Samples are examined under a Ultra-Violet light,
To help traces of body fluids come into sight.
An autopsy examines wounds for the presence of leucocytes,
To check if the victim was alive during the blows, cuts or bites.
W is for WATER
Water found in the lungs indicates death caused by drowning,
Cream pie on the face indicates death caused by clowning.
X is for X-RAY
An X-ray shows us the bones therefore the very astute,
Will deduce that this was a human dressed in a dog suit.
Next week will be the final installment covering letters Y and Z. I can't promise not to resort to zebras...
Forensic Alphabet #1 A-D
Forensic Alphabet #2 E-H
Forensic Alphabet #3 I-L
Forensic Alphabet #4 M-P
Forensic Alphabet #5 Q-T
I love these... as usual.
Thank Clarissa.
Death by clowning is soooo cute!
That's clowns for you - cute but deadly. It's all laughs and smiles until they sneakily unicycle up behind you and squirt you with a water-loaded flower or cream-pie you to death.
Clever blog!
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