Murder and Matchmaking

Murder and Matchmaking
A novel mashup of Sherlock Holmes and Pride & Prejudice

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year

Happy 2010 everyone! The New Year is getting off to a great start for me with my flash story 'The Death Meter' is scheduled to go up on Every Day Fiction on January 4. It was only my second go at writing flash fiction (I tend to write long short stories but the discipline of keeping things short was really fun and challenging for me). I'm quite excited about the story going live as EDF have a rating and commenting system on their website so I'll be able to see any any reader feedback left on my story. No doubt I'll plug it further on the day it goes up but please leave comments and ratings if you do go and read it. (Well, at least if they're nice. Not so keen for the 'this was the worst story ever written and you deserve to have needles poked into your eyes for writing such appalling garbage' type comments).

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