Even sweeter than the relief of making the 50,000 word mark before the end of November is the fact that my lovely husband presented me with a NaNo medal. How awesome is that? It rather appropriately has a genie lamp and an open book on the front and my name engraved on the back.
Yay! Now I get to wear a medal around the house. However, the little one seems to enjoy grabbing the medal and using it as a mummy-leash so maybe I won't wear it *all* the time.
Congratulations! I knew you could do it - hence ordering a medal several weeks ago :-)
It was not easy keeping it secret for the past few weeks, though. I may have shown a few people at work to help distract me from the fact that I had a secret pressie for you!
You and Matt are both supercool :)
I'm not too clear on what you mean by "won"? You mean you finished? It's a lot of writing and a marvellous achievement.
Anyone who reaches 50,000 words is deemed to have 'won' Nano. It's a personal challenge rather than a contest, so it can have a lot of winners.
I think something like 1 in 5 people who sign up actually complete it in any given year :-)
Congrats! that is an awesome medal and you have an awesome hubby.
Also I had to giggle at the mummy-leash comment, I've stopped wearing necklaces for that reason! lol
Thanks. Yeah, mummy leashes are cute. It's the yanking on dangly earrings that's more of a worry. :-)
Well done on finishing Nano, quite an accomplishment with a child.
Congrats on the medal - you're lucky to have such a supportive and encouraging husband!
Thanks, and yes, the husband is pretty wonderful.
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